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Kamrad.ru Kamrad.ru » Авторские форумы » Звездные Войны » Всё-таки у амеров проблемы с советской Империей...
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гросс-адмирал Траун - offline гросс-адмирал Траун
Talking23-06-2004 06:13 URL сообщения Дневник     K-Mail    Профиль    Поиск    Контакт-лист   Редактировать
Последний Адмирал

Всё-таки у амеров проблемы с советской Империей...

Они никак не могут отделаться от "Empire" = Советский Союз.
Когда впервые увидел этот кавер, долго протирал глаза...

Ветер, что качает вереск

Fury - offline Fury
23-06-2004 06:26 URL сообщения      K-Mail    Профиль    Поиск    Контакт-лист   Редактировать
Darth с Планеты Земля

гросс-адмирал Траун

Ой какая радость... А почему шестеренка СР-овская?

Master Xelamok - offline Master Xelamok
23-06-2004 06:33 URL сообщения      K-Mail    Профиль    Поиск    Контакт-лист   Редактировать

Как сказать может все-таки это ближе к Империя = Третий рейх.

Палпатин югенд.

Тарантул - offline Тарантул
23-06-2004 06:39 URL сообщения Дневник     K-Mail    Профиль    Поиск    Контакт-лист   Редактировать
Верховный Инквизитор

Master Xelamok Круто... Это что за комикс?

гросс-адмирал Траун - offline гросс-адмирал Траун
23-06-2004 06:39 URL сообщения Дневник     K-Mail    Профиль    Поиск    Контакт-лист   Редактировать
Последний Адмирал

Master Xelamok
Немного того, немного другого. Но таких уж прямых аллюзий к третьему рейху никто, кроме Стэкпола (убить надо!) не делал.
А вот к СССР - оно уже не первый раз.

P.S. А кадр ваш из времён Республики.
А что, правда была какая-то молодёжная организация? Просто я не знал об этом... долго искал в Империи аналог "Hitlerjugend", но не нашёл

Master Xelamok - offline Master Xelamok
23-06-2004 06:52 URL сообщения      K-Mail    Профиль    Поиск    Контакт-лист   Редактировать

гросс-адмирал Траун
P.S. А кадр ваш из времён Республики.

In the piece, Lucas explained, “All democracies turn into dictatorships – but not by coup. The people give their democracy to a dictator, whether it’s Julius Caesar or Napoleon or Adolph Hitler. Ultimately, the general population goes along with the idea… what kinds of things push people and institutions into this direction.”

He also drew parallels between Anakin’s evolution into Darth Vader in the prequel trilogy, and the fall of the Republic.

“That’s the issue that I’ve been exploring [in EPISODE II],” Lucas said. “How did the Republic turn into the Empire? That’s paralleled with: How did Anakin turn into Darth Vader? How does a good person go bad and how does a democracy become a dictatorship? It isn’t that the Empire conquered the Republic, it’s that the Empire is the Republic.

По поводу картинки сейчас точно сказать не могу, но она вроде бы из журнала Star Wars Insader.

гросс-адмирал Траун - offline гросс-адмирал Траун
23-06-2004 07:08 URL сообщения Дневник     K-Mail    Профиль    Поиск    Контакт-лист   Редактировать
Последний Адмирал

Master Xelamok
Дык. Пока Палпатин себя императором не объявил, это всё ещё Республика формально.
А я человек формальный

Master Xelamok - offline Master Xelamok
23-06-2004 07:22 URL сообщения      K-Mail    Профиль    Поиск    Контакт-лист   Редактировать

Да вот нашел, точно из Insader’а

Master Xelamok - offline Master Xelamok
23-06-2004 07:36 URL сообщения      K-Mail    Профиль    Поиск    Контакт-лист   Редактировать

И вот еще это то, что говорит художник нарисовавший эту картинку:1

И правильная ссылка на статью, упоминаемую художником.


Barbarossa - offline Barbarossa
23-06-2004 09:56 URL сообщения      K-Mail    Профиль    Поиск    Контакт-лист   Редактировать

гросс-адмирал Траун
Ну что ты от америкосов хочешь, ведь для них ни Ирак ни Аль-Каида ни кто-нибудь врагом номер 1 не являются.
Хотя своими последними действиями логичней было-бы - Имерпия=USA.

гросс-адмирал Траун - offline гросс-адмирал Траун
23-06-2004 11:00 URL сообщения Дневник     K-Mail    Профиль    Поиск    Контакт-лист   Редактировать
Последний Адмирал

It's obvious in the Classic Trilogy that Lucas was inspired to create Palpatine's Empire based on the real wrold counterpart of Hitler's regime so my artwork was designed and illustrated to especially evoke that Nazi theme

Болван этот художник из Insider, что ещё сказать... Из "Classic Trilogy" совсем не то понятно.
Скорее, больше напрашивается Британская Империя и СССР.

Вот из-за тупых авторов, которые в книжонках и журналах пишут, что Империя была режимом нацистов... Я и не люблю тупые книжки и журналы.

Действительно, ему стоит радоваться - такие долбанутые аллюзии к нацистам позволял себе разве что Стэкпол!

Да и то, до ТАКОГО у Стэкпола не доходило.

А вот статья:
Until recently, the thought had never crossed my mind: that the Galactic Empire might have connections between the Nazi government in the 1930s and 1940s. That thought had never crossed my mind until I read the latest Holonet News article in Star Wars Insider #70.

Дааа... Без этих уродов, которые наскрябали эту статью и нарисовали эту картинку, эта МЫСЛЬ великая в голову человеку не приходила.

Тупые авторы. Терпеть не могу их. А теперь, зная, кто написал эту статью, я могу с чистой совестью сказать: Я НЕНАВИЖУ ПАБЛО ИДАЛЬГО.

Граф Андро - offline Граф Андро
23-06-2004 16:36 URL сообщения      K-Mail    Профиль    Поиск    Контакт-лист   Редактировать

Ну, и причем тут СССР?! Стиль плакатный, они такие были во всех странах. И еще - я читал (не помню где), что сам Лукас Отрицательно относился к тому, что Рейган использовал термин "Империя зла" для наездов на СССР...

гросс-адмирал Траун - offline гросс-адмирал Траун
23-06-2004 16:53 URL сообщения Дневник     K-Mail    Профиль    Поиск    Контакт-лист   Редактировать
Последний Адмирал

Граф Андро
Дело не в плакатном стиле, а в цветовой гамме данного плаката.

Master Xelamok - offline Master Xelamok
23-06-2004 17:30 URL сообщения      K-Mail    Профиль    Поиск    Контакт-лист   Редактировать

гросс-адмирал Траун
Дело не в плакатном стиле, а в цветовой гамме данного плаката.

Вот, кое что, интересное про цветовую гамму и Империю




On a huge, austere platform stands the dark COS DASHIT, Lord of
Alderaan, Consul to the Supreme Tribunal, and ruler of the
Galactic Empire. He is a thin, grey looking man, with an evil
mustache which hangs limply over his insipid lip. Standing at
rigid attention on his right are several generals, dressed in
the black and grey uniform of the realm. Five members of the
Supreme Tribunal sit off to the side. On the emperor's left
stands CRISPIN HOEDAACK, newly appointed Governor of the Aquilaean
Systems, a young, treacherous man with stone-cut, angular
features and piercing grey eyes.

They all gaze skyward, as the four gleaming stardestroyers scream
low overhead in an impressive barrel-roll formation. As the
sound of the spacecraft resonates throughout the glass canyon of
the Plaza, the group of dignitaries return their attention to the
parade of Imperial shock troops, and giant air tanks (which ride
magically two to three feet above the ground).

The Plaza of the Dader is filled with a hundred rows of troops
as the last brigade marches into position. The sound of a
thousand men snapping to attention is followed by a strange
silence. A light wind blows the great red banner of the Empire,
creating a subtle flapping sound.
The emperor's amplified voice
startles many of the troops as it cuts through the quiet.

Граф Андро - offline Граф Андро
23-06-2004 18:42 URL сообщения      K-Mail    Профиль    Поиск    Контакт-лист   Редактировать

гросс-адмирал Траун
Ну, у китайцев такие же цвета на флаге (а ведь тоже империя еще та)...

Dark Night - offline Dark Night
23-06-2004 19:39 URL сообщения      K-Mail    Профиль    Поиск    Контакт-лист   Редактировать

А что, правда была какая-то молодёжная организация?
SAGroup в КОСНОП. Читай мой перевод по КОСНОП на Бастионе.

Dark Night - offline Dark Night
23-06-2004 19:44 URL сообщения      K-Mail    Профиль    Поиск    Контакт-лист   Редактировать

Кстати и вся КОСНОП изначально задумывалась чем-то вроде молодежной организации...

Рика - offline Рика
23-06-2004 20:53 URL сообщения Дневник     K-Mail    Профиль    Поиск    Контакт-лист   Редактировать
Язва Камрада

гросс-адмирал Траун , не вижу аналогий, аднака. Разве что СССР - это СР (старая республика) в произношении заики.
А шестеренка-то... того...

гросс-адмирал Траун - offline гросс-адмирал Траун
24-06-2004 02:08 URL сообщения Дневник     K-Mail    Профиль    Поиск    Контакт-лист   Редактировать
Последний Адмирал

Master Xelamok
Ого... интересный драфт. Тоже можно записать на счёт
Но всё-таки хорошо, что Лукас не сделал ни красного флага, ни аналогий с рейхом в фильме. Это было бы не очень прикольно. Совсем не прикольно, я бы сказал.

Darth Stand - offline Darth Stand
24-06-2004 05:48 URL сообщения      K-Mail    Профиль    Поиск    Контакт-лист   Редактировать

Ну не знаю....
Недавно я сделал форму офицера империи и прогулялся в ней по городу....
Во первых я ее взял у бывшего костюмера студии Довженко...
Точнее у него я взял костюм нациского офицера и костюм ССовца....
И гулял я 9 мая... Мне надо было на сборы клуба... Я думал что меня верераны сейчас растреляют...
P.S. но я так и не достал модную кепочку офицера империи....

Рика - offline Рика
24-06-2004 06:54 URL сообщения Дневник     K-Mail    Профиль    Поиск    Контакт-лист   Редактировать
Язва Камрада

Darth Stand Модная кепочка делается на основе бейсболки на счет рааз.

Мои руки аж по локоть в крови,
Моя совесть безупречно чиста.

Master Xelamok - offline Master Xelamok
24-06-2004 07:40 URL сообщения      K-Mail    Профиль    Поиск    Контакт-лист   Редактировать

гросс-адмирал Траун
Ого... интересный драфт.

Не ужели вы его не читали? Тогда еще немного для затравки.

Moonlighter - offline Moonlighter
24-06-2004 08:27 URL сообщения      K-Mail    Профиль    Поиск    Контакт-лист   Редактировать
Ночной Волк

A light wind blows the great red banner of the Empire,
creating a subtle flapping sound

"И водрузим над Галактикой красное знамя труда"

"Долг есть любовь" (Col. Crix Neyes, Pentastar Alingnment)

гросс-адмирал Траун - offline гросс-адмирал Траун
24-06-2004 08:46 URL сообщения Дневник     K-Mail    Профиль    Поиск    Контакт-лист   Редактировать
Последний Адмирал

Master Xelamok
Не ужели вы его не читали?
не уважаете! конечно читал. Просто не высмотрел про "красный флаг" тогда
Читал его на Jedi Bendu Script Site, где ещё куча всего такого есть Включая рох драфт Шестого Эпизода, который просто вне конкуренции по крутости замысла

Master Xelamok - offline Master Xelamok
24-06-2004 08:59 URL сообщения      K-Mail    Профиль    Поиск    Контакт-лист   Редактировать

Интересно, а вот такое вы тоже читали

Everything below is quoted for _Star Wars: The
Annotated Screenplays_ by Laurent Bouzereau
except one excerpt from an interview with ESB
producer Gary Kurtz which is noted as such.

The crawl first appeared in the second draft.

The movie starts with a helicopter shot of a plain on
Hoth: "A white snowscape racing to camera ... The main
title quickly recedes into the bleak horizon, followed
by a roll-up."

Epsiode II: The Empire Strikes Back. "After the
destruction of its most feared battle station, the
Empire has declared martial law throughout the galaxy.
A million worlds have felt the oppressive hand of the
Emperor's stormtroopers in their attempt to crush the
growing rebellion. As the Imperial grip of tyranny
tightens, a small band of freedom fighters search for a
more secure base of operations ..."

The crawl was subsequently modified and lengthened
for the film.

During the story conferences involving George Lucas
and Leigh Brackett that took place November 28 through
December 2, 1977, Hoth is referred to as the "Ice
Planet." It is a planet completely covered by snow and
has castles built into it. Hoth was originally going to
be the name of the "Gas Planet" (which became Cloud City
in the movie). During story conferences, several other
planets were mentioned:

"The Water Planet": an underwater city.

"Ttaz: The Rock/Desert Planet": gray, colorless with
a civilization living in caves.

"The Garden Planet": Slightly fairy-tale-like; very
lush environment with gardens rather than forest.
Possible names for the planet were Bestpenkoluta,
Bestpenkoleta, and Besspin-Kaaleita.

"Ton-mummd: The Grass Planet": with tall wheat
fields, grass and giant rolling hills as far as one
can see.

"The City Planet": sort of like the Death Star, a
completely built over planet and possibly the home of
the Empire.

The opening scene was discussed at length by Lucas
and Brackett; a helicopter shot would reveal two men
riding the snow dunes on some kind of giant snow lizard.
One guy calls the other on his walkie-talkie but can't
reach him; he hears all kinds of weird sounds. His
friend eventually replies and says he's okay, but
suddenly a beast atacks and kills him. The other man
gets back to the base and reports that his friend has
disappeared. Eventually the man attacked by the snow
creature became Luke.

The opening envisioned in the treatment is similar to
the way the movie begins, with Luke and Han riding their
tauntauns. The first draft by Leigh Brackett also
begins with Han and Luke on their "snow lizards" (they
don't have a name in the sсript), riding the plains of
the ice planet. There is no probe landing in the snow;
instead, Luke tells Han via comlink that he has spotted
a pretty ice formation and is going to check it out.
Han reminds his friend that their orders specified that
they go just to the ridge, not farther, but obviously
Luke has made up his mind, and Solo returns to the base.

As for the wampa, the snow creature that attacks Luke
in the movie, early discussions suggest that it should
appear at the begining of the movie as the rebels are
building their underground base, and that the creature
should be fishlike, something that swims in the snow.
The notes indicate that these beast cold possibly have
supernatural powers and should be inside the building
where the rebels are hiding, creating chaos when Vader
is approaching and beginning his attack on the base.

Ralph McQuarrie: "George told me he wanted a castle,
a big mysterious castle on Hoth, and I did some
paintings of that. It was the first drawing I did for
Empire. It showed big towers with steel, silver,
different kinds of metal poking through the snow. It
was meant to be the top of a huge cathedral-like

In the first draft the Rebel base is described as an
"ice castle," a natural structure of great beauty with
fantastic domes and spires, hooded gun emplacements, and
radar towers designed to be invisible from above. As
Han arrives at the base, a blank wall slides open.
Inside the structure ice has been hollowed into a series
of chambers and halls with different levels and

In the first draft the war room has a three-
dimensional rendition of the galaxy, "giving the
impression that we are in spce." Rebel Commander
Willard explains: "We are here...The fourth planet of
this system at the edge of the Granita Clusta." Also
present are General Dodonna, who appeared in Star Wars:
A New Hope, Leia, and Threepio and Artoo, who are
working at the panels, displaying calculations. Most of
the map shifts to red, indicating the territories
controlled by the Empire, and Willard explains that
despite the destruction of the Death Star and the fact
that many systems have joined the Rebellion, they're
still weak and quite vulnerable. Interupting his speech
when Han walks in, Willard reprimands Han for being
late. Leia tells Willard she'll handle Han, and they
step out. Threepio watches this, gives "the robotic
equivalent of a chuckle," and tells Artoo that Solo is
as undisciplined as he is. In a more serious tone
Threepio says that he is worried about the Empire and
that the Rebellion has taken a huge chance with the new

Many changes in Han's character were discussed during
story meetings. In coming up with a possible mission
for Han, George Lucas fleshed out the character's
backstory. Han is an orphan and was raised by Wookies
on their planet. He left, flunked out of the Space
Academy, and then met some kind of Ernest Hemmingway
character, a very powerful trader in the galaxy who took
Han under his wings until they had a falling out. Han
swore he'd never talk to him again.

When the story begins, the Rebel Alliance needs this
man, this powerful trader, on its side; by now he
controls all nonmilitary transports in the galaxy and is
the head of some sort of transport guild. Leia tells
Han that they've made contact with him and that he'll
talk only to him. Another plot line suggests that Han
is the only one who knows where this man is hiding and
that the Rebellion wants Han to contact him. In either
case the future of the Rebellion is in Han's hands. At
first Han refuses to go, but eventually he agrees to
take on the mission, although it is aborted when the
Empire attacks the Rebel base. This concept appeared
only in the first draft.

In the story treatment, after Luke escapes from the
cave, George Lucas came up with the idea that he should
be wearing some kind of talisman that used to belong to
Ben. On the talisman would be markings giving him the
name and location of a planet, and by instinct Luke
would decide to got there.

In the first draft Luke is on the floor of the cave.
In a recess in the cave he hears voices of aliens
speaking an incomprehensible language. Luke gets up and
goes out, when suddenly a huge white form appears in
front of him. Luke hears Ben's voice saying to him:
"Remember the Force, boy. Open your mind to it, open
your heart." Luke pulls out his sword and slashes the
creature with the beam. He steps out of the cave as
the other shapes are moving toward the entrance, but
they stop, afraid to follow him.

In the story treatment, after escaping from the cave,
Luke simply goes back to the base. In the first draft
Luke escapes from the wampa's cave and starts walking in
the snow; he gets on his hands and knees, praying to Ben
and telling him that the Force is gone. A search party
headed by Han and Leia finds Luke semiconscious. In the
second draft and as in the movie a ghostlike image of Ben
appears in the front of Luke as he is struggling in the
snow. Ben keeps telling Luke that he must survive and go
to the Dagobah system to find Yoda, the Jedi master.

The aspect of a possible romance between Leia and
Luke was a lot more obvious in the earlier drafts. In
the treatment and the first draft, Luke declares his
love but Leia explains that a relationship is impossible
because of her duties.

In the first draft, as Luke is recovering, he finds a
crystal in the hilt of his lasersword. He plugs it into
Artoo, and Threepio translates that the crystal gives
the coordinates to a star system.

In the story treatment and the first draft, before
the Empire attacks the Rebels, the snow creatures
create chaos inside the base. In both cases the story
establishes the fact the Luke is weak and is making the
wrong decissions; in the treatment Han is assaulted by a
creature and is nearly killed when Luke tries to use the
Force instead of his weapon. In the first draft, Luke
is the one who is attacked and Han has to save him. In
both situations Luke is humiliated, and Han obviously
thinks less of him.

The snowspeeders flown by the Rebels first apperaed
in the second draft....

In all the different drafts Leia, Chewie, Han, and
Threepio escape together aboard the Falcon, while Luke
goes off on his own with Artoo. In the first draft an
intersting concept has Threepio encased in ice after an
overhead pipe breaks over him.

In the story treatment the Falcon jumps to lightspeed
and escapes from the Imperial Star Destroyer. But when
the Falcon comes out of lightspeed at the Rebel
rendezous point, Leia and Han find themselves in the
middle of the Imperial fleet. The Falcon is chased by
Imperial forces into an asteroid field and hides in the
cave of one of the larger asteroids. In the first
draft, as the Falcon is being pursued by an Imperial
Destroyer, Leia suggests that they jump to lightspeed.
Han asks about the rendezvous point, and Leia pulls a
small metal container from around her neck, "programmed
to explode if it got in the wrong hands." She extracts
a metal clip that will set them on the rendezvous
course, but just as she is about to give it to Han, red
lights glow on the panel indicating that the overdrive
generator has been hit.

Han goes to repair the damage, passing Threepio, who
has been encased in dripping ice since they left the Ice
Planet. Finally, the red light goes off and Chewie
inserts the metal clip; the Falcon goes into hyperdrive.
The scene ends with Leia cracking the mask of ice
covering Threepio's face and the robot asking her to oil
his joints before they rust. Later, the Falcon reaches
the rendezvous point. As was established in the
treatment, Imperial ships are already there; a voice ask
them to identify themselves, and Han says he's a trader.
An imperial cruiser tries to board, but the Falcon makes
an escape into an asteroid field. Leia gets in the
turret guns; she misses her target but manages to slow
down the fighters. Finally, the Falcon hides in a cave
in the asteroids.

The idea of the Falcon not being able to jump to
lightspeed first appeared in the second draft.

In the story treatment Luke gives directions to
Artoo, using the planet described on the talisman
that belonged to Ben and that Luke now wears around his
neck. In the first draft Luke and Artoo escape while
Vader and his men walk inside the Rebel base; one of his
officers tells him that Luke Skywalker is not among the
prisoners and that he might have been buried in one of
the tunnels. Vader says he is alive and asks to be left
alone. His breathing changes, and he whispers the name
of Luke Skywalker. In space Luke suddenly can't
breathe. In a last effort he releases the crystal he
discovered earlier in his saber and gives it to Artoo.
The robot places it in the proper slot and punches in
some coordinates on the navigational computer, and the
ship vanishes into hyperspace. At the base Vader
realizes that once again Luke has escaped him.

The idea of the chamber for Emperor was originally
conceived during story meetings and was described as a
"gray, macbre, cold steel box." In the second draft
Veers visits Vader in his chamber, "a dark cubicle
illuminated by a single light from above." Vader sits
on a raised meditation cube. The reveal of the back of
Vader's head first appeared in the fifth draft....

The idea of using another person, perhaps an alien,
for Luke to play off of came up during story meetings.
George Lucas and Leigh Brackett thought that the alien
could be an Indian desert type, very childlike even
though he's an old man. He at first should be repulsive
and slimy but then should become kind and wise. He
appears as a crazy little nitwit that goes around
scurrying like a rat but ultimately teaches Luke a great
deal about the Force. It was suggested that he should
be very small, about twenty-eight inches high. He
should be slightly froglike, with slick skin, a wide
mouth, no nose, bulbous eyes, thin spidery arms, and
little thin hands. He should have a round body with
short legs but very large, floppy webbed feet, almost
like swim fins, and a big mouth with two tiny nostrils.
Basically he would have the personality of a Muppet,
only with almost human and realistic behavior.

At that point Yoda did not have a name and was
refered to only as "The Critter." In the story
treatment the little creature is named Minch Yoda. In
the first draft Yoda is refered to only as Minch. In
his introductory scene Luke asks the crearture if he
knows of the Jedi Knights, and Minch says he used to
serve them. He knew Luke's father and Obi-wan Kenobi.
The bog planet is where they trained.

The scene with Yoda raising Luke's X-wing from the
swamp was introduced in the story treatment. In the
first draft that particular scene appears earlier in the
story, right after Luke meets Minch. Luke tries to use
the Force to pull his ship from the mud; Minch steps to
the side, his eyes begin to glow, and he seems to grow
in stature. The fighter rises; Luke at this point is
unaware that it is Minch, not himself, who miraculously
pulls the vehicle from the mud. In the second draft
Yoda raises Luke's X-wing from the swamp right after the

In the story treatment and as in the movie, Han and
Leia have their first kiss after they've hidden in the
asteroid cave. In the first draft Han tries to seduce
Leia, and she tells him that she is not in love with him
or Luke. Later Han tries again and wants Leia to say
that she loves him. They finally kiss, but their
embrace is interrupted by Chewie, who seems annoyed by
the relationship. Threepio guesses that the Wookie is
afraid that Leia is going to distract Han from their
adventures. Chewie grunts, resenting the droid's
insight into his character. Threepio says he doesn't
understand the pleasure of kissing and is grateful for
the fact that he is not human.

During meetings George Lucas and Leigh Brackett
decided that the Emperor and the Force had to be the
two main concerns in the film; the Emperor had barely
been dealt with in the first movie, and the intention in
the sequel was to deal with him on a more concrete
level. Enventually this idea was used later on, in the
third film. The Emperor, however, was then envisioned
as a bureaucrat, Nixonian in his outlook and sort of a
Wizard of Oz-type person.

It was suggested that after the battle on the ice
planet Vader would go into isolation, maybe in a cave
with demons or in a tall, dark tower surrounded by lava,
sort of like hell. Vader would have gremlins or
goblintype gargoyles with him. In the first draft the
scene with Vader in his castle is intercut with Luke
beginning his traing, Vader lives in what's described
as a grim castle of black iron that squats on a rock in
the midst of a crimson sea. He is feeding gargoyles
from a golden bowl, and he suddenly stiffens,
frightening even the creatures; he has felt a
disturbance in the Force. Later Vader has a duscussion
with the Emperor, who appears on a communication screen,
"caped and hooded in a cloth of gold." He tells Vader
that he also felt the disturbance in the Force and that
Luke must be eliminated.

Joe Jonhston: "When we were doing Star Wars, I
remembered I had done a series of sketches of Vader's
home, and there was a sea of lava that his house looked
out on. I remember having trouble drawing it because
everthing was either orange or a shadow; it was very
intense. But before we got to far, George said we would
save this for somewhere down the line, and I stopped
working on it."

In the story treatment Yoda tells Luke that Ben gave
gave him the talisman he wears around his neck so that
he could find him. Luke is starving, and Yoda says he
has food but won't give him any until Luke starts
learning about the Force. In the first draft Luke
thinks he has come to the wrong place and gets ready to
leave. Minch reveals that he taught Ben, and to
convince Luke of his powers, he grabs Luke's lasersword
and calls Ben; Obi-wan appears, and the two Jedi begin
to fence. Finally, Luke sees that Minch is clearly
better and even more powerful than Ben. Minch takes
Luke to his house, which is scaled to his size and is
described as "a small gem, beautifully constructed of
reads rather in the the fashion of the Marsh Arabs."

The scene with "large leathery creatures with yellow
eyes" attacking the Falcon inside the cave first
appeared in the second draft.

The space slug was introdruced in the fifth draft....

George Lucas and Leigh Brackett had lengthy
discussions about Luke's training with Yoda and decided
to turn the lessons into proverbs and commandments.
Through the lessons, Luke should learn to respect Yoda
and Yoda should realize that the boy is a great warrior.
The Force also was discussed in great detail. In the
story meeting transсripts George Lucas defined the Force
as follows: The act of living generates a force field,
an energy. That energy surrounds us; when we die, that
energy joins with all the other energy. There is a
giant mass of energy in the universe that has a good
side and a bad side. We are part of the Force because
we generate the power that makes the Force live. When
we die, we become part of that Force, so we never really
die; we continue as part of the Force.

It was decided that learning the ways of the Force
had to be a constant struggle for Luke and that he would
always have to prove himself. In regard to the dark
side of the Froce, the story meeting transсripts suggest
that although one can't see it, it should be the real
villain of the story. In his training Luke discovers
the roots of the evil Force. The danger, the jeopardy
is that Luke will become Vader, will be taken over. He
has to fight the bad side and learn to work with the
good side. Lucas felt that at one point during the
training Ben should explain to Luke that he should use
his powers in moderation. If he uses too much Force,
it will start using him. For example, to lift objects
Luke as to use the bad side of the Force, so if he
overuses this power, the dark side will start taking
over as it did with Vader. When Luke fights, he has to
use the darkside, but is also using the good side for
protection. In this episode Luke should embody the
classic tale of the ugly dickling who becomes a hero,
and by the end of the film Luke should have become Ben.

In the first draft, during his traing Luke calls
Obi-wan Kenobi; Ben appears and explains what has
happened to him since he was struck down by Vader. He
is now in a different part of the universe. Ben says
that he's brought someone else with him, and Luke's
father appears (obviously, in the draft Vader is not
Luke's father). He is described as a tall, fine-looikng
man and is referred to as Skywalker. Skywalker tells
Luke that he has a sister; he won't reveal where she is
for fear that Vader might then be able to find her.
This concept of Luke's sister was discussed during story
conferences. The idea was that Luke's father had twin
children and took one of them to an uncle and the other
one to the other side of the universe so that if one was
killed, another would survive. It was suggested that
Luke's twin sister would be going through training at
the same time that he was and become a Jedi master as
well. Eventually, in another episode the story would
deal with both Luke and his sister as Jedi Knights.

[From "Gary Kurtz speaks: The Origal Star Wars producer
speaks" (03/05/2000) by Chris Gore:

Kurtz: The one story thread that got totally tossed out
the window, which was really pretty important I think,
was the one of Vader trying to convince Luke to join him
to overthrow the Emperor. That together they had enough
power that they could do that, and it wasn't him saying
I want to take over the world and be the evil leader, it
was that transition. It was Vader saying, "I'm looking
again at what I've done and where my life has gone and
who I've served and, very much in the Samurai tradition,
and saying if I can join forces with my son, who is just
as strong as I am, that maybe we can make some amends."
So there was all of that going on in Jedi as well, that
was supposed to go on. So the story was quite a bit more
poignant and the ending was the coronation of Leia as
the queen of what was left of her people, to take over
the royal symbol. That meant she was then isolated from
all of the rest and Luke went off then by himself. It
was basically a kind of bittersweet ending. She's not
his sister that dropped in to wrap up everything neatly.
His sister was someone else way over on the other side
of the galaxy and she wasn't going to show up until the
next episode.]

In the first draft Luke takes the oath of a Jedi from
his father. Later Minch tells Luke that facing Vader
and the dark side is the real test for him. Luke
concentrates, and suddenly two shapes rise from the
swamp: one looks like Vader, and the other is smaller,
featureless, but reminiscent of Luke. In ghostly
voices they talk to each other. Vader says he wants
Luke as an ally. The two shapes now seem to stand in
space. Vader tells Luke that he knows that he loves
Leia and that Han is standing between them. If he joins
him, no one will ever be in his way and one day they
will rule the universe. Vader tells Luke to reach for
the stars; Luke tries, but the stars burn his fingers
and he says that he's taken an oath. Vader tells him
that the dark side won't let him rest even if he runs.
Luke comes out of the trance and sobs, saying that he
couldn't fight Vader.

Joe Johnston: "I designed the final version of Boba
Fett. Ralph and I both worked on preliminary designs,
and we traded ideas back and forth. Originally, Boba
Fett was part of a force we called Super Troopers, and
they were these really high-tech fighting units, and
they all looked alike. That eventually evolved into a
single bounty hunter."

In the first draft Han remembers his friend Lando
Kadar, a refugee from the Clone Wars. Solo refers to
him as an honest smuggler who lives on a planet called
Hoth. This discussion takes place inside the cave on
the asteroid; the Falcon comes out of hiding (remember,
in this draft there's no space slug), and the ship jumps
to lightspeed before the Imperial fighters catch on.

In the second draft, as in the film, the Falcon hides
along the side of the Imperial starship. The scene with
Boba Fett following the Falcon first appeared in the
third draft.

During story converences George Lucas and Leigh
Brackett referred to Cloud City as "Ketbrae or
Kettlebrae: The Gas Planet"; in early notes this planet
is described as "nothing but clouds with cities that sit
on giant piers that go down into the gases." The story
meetings suggest that maybe the planet has a force field
that makes it invisible until one passes through a
certain distance, and all of a sudden it becomes
visible. Han, Leia, Chewbacca, and Threepio arrive on
the Gas Planet and are attacked by the Whatnots, aliens
that live in the center of the fog: they retreat back to
the Falcon and take off. A patrol finds them and guides
them to Han's friend, who lives in another part of the
system. The notes indicate that the aliens should be
semistoic creatues, sort of tall, thin, white, maybe
similar to the aliens in Steven Spielburg's Close
Encounters of the Third Kind (1977). They should be
noble but threatening; they carry a spear or a pneumatic
dart gun or a long pole with a beam that comes out of
it. There's an alien chief described as fair, wise,
and noble.

Lando was duscussed as "a new Han Solo character."
He is described as a slick, riverboat gambler dude.
Unlike Solo, this guy should be elegant, sort of like
James Bond. There were discussions about getting the
new character a side kick, a girl or female alien or a
matching set of girls...possibly something odd or
outrageous. This man should be charming so it will not
occur to the audience that he will betray Han or Leia.

Another permutation had Lando be a gambler who runs
a general store on a Wookie planet or a trader, some
sort of businessman who works with smugglers. He is
pro-Empire but thinks that he is smarter than the
Empire. He doesn't care about the rebellion until the
story's end, when he makes a complete turn against the
Empire. Even Vader should be intimidated by this man's
political power. During another discussion the
character took on a whole new approach: In Star Wars
Leia mentioned "the Clone Wars" in her holographic
message to Ben, and Han's friend could be a clone.
The princess doesn't trust him because of the war that
almost wiped out his species. He could be one of the
last clones, and in another episode he could run across
a clan of clones who are all exactly like him. He came
from a planet of clones; the planet had maybe seven
hundred different countries, and each country was
composed of a clone clan and he was the ruler of one of
the clans.

In the second draft Lando is a black man, and a
desсription of the city's crowd indicates that half the
citizens are black.

Irvin Kersher: "The idea of Lando communicating with
his aide, Lobot, through his headset did not exist in
the sсript. I added that on the set."

The concept of Threepio being completely torn apart
was conceived during story meetings as a way to create
sympathy for the robot: "He become a box full of
parts...He is the robot that can't stay together."
Another intriguing idea was to have Vader take the
robot's heart out and smash it.

In the story treatment, Luke dreams of Vader and Ben
says it's time for him to leave. Luke and Artoo climb
aboard the X-wing and take off. In the first draft Luke
explains to Minch that he ran away from Vader and the
dark side during his training because he couldn't trust
himself. Minch tells him to remember that he is now a
Jedi Knight. Using their lightsabers, they salute each
other. Luke and Artoo get in the ship and take off.
Luke concentrates and is able to locate Leia, and he
knows that Vader will be there, too.

In the story treatment, as Leia tells Han that she
doesn't trust Lando, city guards bring a box full of
Threepio's parts. They say he must have bumped into a
powerfield. As in the movie, Lando delivers the Rebels
to Vader and explains that he had no choice. In the
first draft Lando brings the remains of Threepio,
saying that he was found "jammed in the gears of a
recycling chute." Leia ask if Lando can have him
repaired, but he says that his workshops are already
running overtime. He reassures her that the Falcon,
however, will soon be ready. Leia doesn't trust Lando
and suspects he might be a clone.

Later Lando invites the group to dinner. On the way
he admits to being a clone of the Ashandi family: His
great-grandfather wanted many sons and produced them
from the cells of his own body. His sister produced
many daughters the same way. Since the war, not many
clones are left. Lando confesses that he feels alone
now that he walks among people who all look different.
When Lando delivers the group to Vader, he says that he
knew all along who Leia was (in the draft she gave
Lando a false name) and that he owes his comfort to the
Empire; he had no other choice. They all sit with Vader
at the dinner table. Because of his condition, Vader
doesn't eat; no one except Lando has an appetite.
Vader says he knows that Luke is alive and that he is
in love with Leia. He wants nothing from them, just
Luke. The group returns to its quarters.

In the story treatment and the first draft Luke
arrives in Cloud City via the ruined city. He has an
encounter with the aliens, who eventually take him and
Artoo to Lando. In the first draft Lando turns against
the empire when troopers kill his friend Bahiri, the
alien chief.

The idea of putting Han in carbon freeze first
appeared in the second draft.

During story meetings George Lucas and Leigh Brackett
decided that it would be important to turn Luke into a
very good swordsman and that would pay off during his
fight with Vader. The challenge with the confrontation
between Luke and Vader was to play it like a seduction,
a temptation; the audience knows that Luke is not going
to die, so the ultimate hook is the fear that Luke might
turn to the dark side.

The idea of Vader using telekinetic powers during his
fight with Luke was created during story meetings.
There was concern, however, that the audience might
think back to the first film and wonder why Vader didn't
use his powers on Ben; this was easily explained by the
fact that Ben was possibly stronger than Vader. George
Lucas and Leigh Brackett also discussed the differnt
levels of the Force; maybe Ben was a six, Vader a four,
and Luke is now at level two.

Another idea that came out of story meetings was to
have Luke wedged up against a wall; there's a pipe next
to him, and Vader and Luke duel, trying to bend it until
it buckles and ties itself up.

Remember, Han being put in carbon freeze first
appeared in the second draft. So in the story treatment
and the first draft Han, Leia, Chewie, and the droids
make it back to the Falcon while Lando eludes the
stormtroopers. Leia wants to go back to save Luke, but
Han tells her that Skywalker would want them to escape.
In a sense, the situtation from the first film is re-
created here, with Luke risking his life against the
Empire's stormtroopers to allow his friends to escape.
As the Falcon takes off, a large blastshield comes
crashing down in front of the ship. It looks as if
they're trapped, but Han blasts his way out.

The notion of Vader being Luke's father first
appeared in the second draft. Vader became attracted to
the dark side while he was training to become a Jedi. He
became a Jedi and killed most of the other Jedi Knights;
very few escaped. Ben fought Vader and pushed him down
a nuclear shaft. One of his arms was severed, and Ben
believed he had killed Vader; in fact, Vader survived
and became a mutant.

In the story treatment, Luke gets trapped on a narrow
ledge and Vader tries to win him over to the dark side.
Vader wants Luke to use his anger to fight, knowing that
if he gets angry enough, he'll give in. Finally, Vader
tries to kill Luke, but Luke jumps off the ledge into a
debris chute from a drainpipe, gets caught on a grate,
and dangles above the exit port of the city.

Remember, in the first draft Luke had a vision of his
confrontation with Vader in Minch's house. For the
climax, Leigh Brackett created a surrealistic scene
where we see the blackness of space and the large black
shadow of Vader towering against the starfields. Luke's
shadow is amost as dark as Vader's. Vader asks Luke to
join him. Luke's form starts to glow lighter as he says
that he'd rather die that join Vader; as in the movie,
Vader and Luke reach the main shaft and Luke jumps.
Vader cutting Luke's arm frist appeared in the second

In the story treatment and in the first draft Han has
blasted the large shield door, and the Falcon is about
to leave, Solo notices Luke, who is hanging from the
grate. Luke is rescued, and the Falcon zooms into

In the story treatment the Falcon has landed in a
beautiful jungle garden. Han, Chewy, and Lando are
getting ready to leave; the Wookie hugs everyone, even
Threepio, who thanks him for putting him back together.
Han gives Leia a long kiss. The Falcon takes off at
sunset: "Twin suns low on the horizon as the Falcon
becomes a tiny speck, then disappears behind the
silhouettes of Luke, Leia, and the robots." In the
first draft the Falcon lands on Besspin Kaalida, the
garden planet. Han kisses the princess and says goodbye
to his friends; he is off to persuade his stepfather,
Oven Marekal, to join the rebellion (remember, in this
draft Han was about to leave on the mission at the
beginning of the story, but had to change his plans
after the Empire attacked the Rebels' secret base).
Leia, Luke, Lando, and the robots watch the Falcon take
off from a garden balcony. Luke holds his saber in a
postion of salute as the Falcon disappears in the sky.

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